Monday 3 December 2012

Nine Frame Analysis - Eden Lake

Frame 1
The was of a black screen with light red writing appearing saying 'Rollarcoaster films' . (1-9 seconds.)
Frame 2
The second shot was a quick flash of a forest like environment, leaving the audience questioning whether this would be a key location. (At 9 seconds)
Frame 3
The third frame was of a black screen leaving the audience suspicious as to what was going to appear next... (10-14 seconds)
Frame 4
The fourth frame was of a river which was emphasised through the lighting reflection onto it.  (14-17 seconds)
Frame 5
 Frame 6
The fifth frame showed a woman who looks traumatised as shes crying for help, covered in blood. (At 18 seconds)
Frame 7
The 6th frame switches back to a black screen with 'Aramid entertainment' faintly appearing. (19-22 seconds)
Frame 8

 The 7th frame shows bloody hands tied up, symbolising someone being trapped. (At 23 seconds)
The 8th shot is another shot of faint writing appearing. (24-26 seconds)

The 9th shot... to be revealed!!



1 comment:

  1. Well done - these two very different film openings should provide much food for thought for your own horror/thriller.
